Monday, October 18, 2010

Wind Cave...

This last weekend my Mrs. Redhead in Rapid and I headed to Wind Cave National Park. It was awesome. I got to learn lots and lots of new facts. Let me tell you some:

  • Wind Cave is the fourth longest cave in the world.
  • However, though 135 miles have been discovered the 'experts' think that they've only found 5% of the cave. If true, this would make it the largest cave in the world.
  • So far, all 135 miles are crammed into 1 square mile (with a depth of 1/3 mile). That's like cramming 134 inches of a string into 1 square inch.
Wait, you don't want more facts? Well, too bad:
  • The cave was "discovered" by the settlers in the 1880s.
  • This cave has very little water, so you don't see stalagmites or stalactites. Instead...
  • 95% of the world's box-work is found in Wind Cave.
This is only a few of the facts I gleaned from my 3 hour trip. Boy, what fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so glad that someone else out there enjoys Wind Cave as much as I do! Thanks for sharing!

    Katlyn Richter
    South Dakota Office of Tourism
